CBD Buzz
Almost everywhere you go SOMEONE is talking about some benefit of CBD. Is it just because it comes from cannabis? The push to legalize marijuana is certainly part of what has taken this substance viral. This politically sensational topic has played a pivotal role in helping this news escape the lock down from big pharma. Less than 100 years ago cannabis was legal in the united states but large special interest groups which likely included big pharma, big oil, textiles, paper, and big chemistry saw the potential of hemp and marijuana as a threat and with largely falsified propaganda turned our nation against cannabis where are laws are made. It is purely conjecture whether congress was swayed by the propaganda into making it illegal or more by lining their pockets to make it illegal to grow, sell or research.
Heath benefits were discovered by research done outside the USA. Hemp products like rope and textiles stopped being produced in the USA and had to be imported causing the death of a lucrative industry. Today there are numerous known benefits to compounds in cannabis oil known as cannabinoids. Our bodies have an internal system that these compounds attach onto and in fact our bodies make some cannabinoids. The main compounds identified in cannabis are CBD, and THC. Marijuana is known for the psycho-trophic effects because of high levels of THC but some the benefits some claim are partly due to smaller amounts of CBD. Hemp is most famous for rope, clothing and paper, but lately the talk is all about the oil! Hemp contains large amounts of CBD but only minute amounts of THC and does not get anyone high.
You only need to perform a quick Google search about the benefits of CBD and you an become overwhelmed by the volume of information. I will only list the top known benefits for CBD but based on the rapidly changing data base it is likely you could find some information to support a wide variety of conditions.
Helps control blood sugar levels in diabetics2
“Does CBD oil have any health risks?
While the majority of CBD oil users don’t experience any negative effects, as with any treatment – natural or otherwise – there are possible side effects. These include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating and dizziness.
More seriously, a small percentage of users have had to discontinue with CBD oil due to suspected liver damage. As well as this, CBD oil could interact with common prescription medications, so it’s important you always seek the advice of your GP before giving it a go.3
There are few reported side effects and those are generally mild. Compare this to the effects and risks of any chemotherapy drug. A little know fact about all FDA approved medications are that they must have a researched TD (therapeutic dose) and LD (lethal dose) the safest drugs are those that have a VERY low TD especially when compared against the LD. I strongly recommend making CBD a part of your daily health routine. But don’t just take my word for it…do your own research. There are such HUGE benefits! Take it slow and start small just in case you do happen to be part of the small percentage who do experience some side effects. More is NOT always better when a little is good. Especially for anxiety and depression you may get more benefit from a SMALLER dose. If you are trying to treat cancer or chemo symptoms or severe pain then likely you will need a larger dose.
As a rule CBD oils are a little pricey. After several company’s products and experiences with customer service, I finally found a company with quality products based on best practices guidelines (the label has what it says) that also has a reasonable price range. (you can find cheaper but will you KNOW how much CBD is in it?) become a wholesale buyer for FREE!! Check out the business opportunity and share the product(s) you love with others. Get paid for your referrals.
We have heard it many times. "Sit up straight! And Stand Straight!" We know we should, but it is not as easy as it sounds. The truth is that poor posture puts enormous strain on our necks and can cause a hump back later in life and headaches in our working years. Life, school, and work all tend to encourage poor postures. Poorly designed furniture and work stations make it difficult to accomplish that straight position. How are we supposed to do that? One person thinks it is to put your shoulders back or pull your chin in or to flatten your back. All of these are wrong! The easiest way to think of sitting or standing straight is to imagine a string pulling upward on your breast bone toward the sky or ceiling. After you have slightly arched your back and lifted your chest then be sure to bring your chin back to level with the floor (sometimes the tendency is to look up) and then let your shoulders drop and relax without slumping forward.
If this question is plaguing you then you owe it to yourself to get a thorough evaluation and probably some laboratory testing to check several aspects of your body's hormone system. The truth is chronic fatigue affects thousands each year with no real solutions. There should be testing done of your body's systems to determine if there is a treatable cause.
One of the challenges many people face is adrenal insufficiency. Unfortunately the medical model is reluctant to admit that the adrenal glands can have numerous levels of decreased function and do not treat you for adrenal insufficiency unless they completely shut down known as Addison's disease. There are natural things that can be done to help, but when the adrenal glands become over taxed from extreme stress like an accident, long term stress (bad work environment or domestic abuse, etc), or chronic pain (old injuries, fibromyalgia, CFS, etc) it takes generally 6-12 months of regular and consistent nutritional support and SLEEP with a major effort to remove stress!
Is your thyroid really ok? or was there only one test done to check the most basic of function? This is usually done by testing TSH (thyroid stimulation hormone) but there are other factors. Maybe your thyroid produces the right amount of hormone so your TSH is normal but your body cannot convert it to the active form known as T3. Or possibly there is a problem getting the active hormone across the cell membrane so your body does not USE what is has so the T3 uptake needs to be tested.
Maybe the fatigue is related to sleep problems. Testing your sleep might be the best option to make sure you are not living with untreated sleep apnea (a condition of low oxygen levels during sleep and associated with gasping or loud snoring).
The bottom line is that you need to get real answers and probably are going to need some laboratory testing. There is no easy answer here!
Often within a few weeks after an automobile accident in which you may have seemingly mild injuries you will receive a friendly call from a claims adjuster offering you a cash settlement in exchange for you not filing suit. DON'T BE FOOLED! The adjuster is not your friend! That person is paid to prevent costly suits and settlements that are justified. If they can lull you into a quick settlement that can help you at the time to pay for some expenses or get you out of a jam they will do it. Almost always this settlement offer contains a clause about no further liability for medical expenses or tests that could come up as result of this accident. The problem is, that some injuries show no signs or symptoms for weeks or even months. This is particularly true of low impact collisions in which the vehicle is barely damaged. This often begins with mild degenerative changes that take quite some time to cause symptoms to develop. If you have already settled then you have no recourse for medical bills that can become very costly later. A typical charge for an MRI of EACH section of the spine is about $1200.00 -2000.00 and often people need both the low back and the neck checked. Surgery costs upwards of $30-70,000.00 and even if you have health insurance the co-pay can be very large
In most cases you do not need an attorney especially during the early stages of the case. So hold off hiring an attorney until you really need one to protect your rights. A great way to save yourself thousands of dollars is to pay an attorney directly to look over a settlement offer before you sign it and obtain their professional opinion if they would accept that sum for the level of injury that you have.
Even if you think you are not injured after an accident you should see your local chiropractor and get a thorough evaluation. And tell the insurance adjuster who is really offering you a nuisance fee that you are going to be checked again in 6 months time. If you are still not having any symptoms, or what symptoms you had are TOTALLY RESOLVED and your chiropractor agrees that you are fully functional, then and only then it is OK to accept their settlement.
I have had numerous patients who have accepted a settlement offer and 6 months later have some numbness or tingling in their hands, only to discover that the arthritis that was gradually developing over time has suddenly accelerated and is now impinging the nerve in their neck and they are going to need many hours of physical therapy or multiple adjustments or maybe eventually going to require surgery to relieve the potential damage to the nerves to their hands.
Bottom line is NEVER settle before six months has elapsed since your last symptom you can attribute to the accident. In some cases that is 6 months after the accident for others that can be years down the road. Protect yourself and your financial future by taking your time to accept any settlement offer.
Dr. Lynda Purdy has been providing low cost care for the past 5 years under a non-profit organization. She donated thousands of hours to this group in order to help get it off the ground but they have been unable to sustain a long term income sufficient to pay over head expenses and are at least temporarily shutting down operation. She is so passionate about people getting the care they need that she has decided to add a sliding fee scale to her own practice to continue the care of so many people at an affordable rate. Since it is impossible to maintain a business that does not charge for services the sliding scale has been modified. Also the available hours for sliding fee scale is limited. See the chart at the right to determine what you can expect to pay for a first visit and any follow-up appointments.